Manage employees, schedules, time punches and calculate time.
Developer: Cyberlog
Allows personnel management and time tracking.
Developer: EMPREZ inc.
Management and billing of works in progress, time clock
Acomba compatible timesheet
Developer: FDTpro inc.
Used to make quick estimates, effectively follow quotes and obtain standardized prices in real time
Developer: ACCEO Solutions inc.
Ensure the effectiveness and performance of the service department.
Developer: Micromédica
Complete production management, job costing and BOM
Developer: Micromédica
DRC PRO software uses data from accounting software.
Simplify your production with Servicentre.
Developer: Micromédica
Manage your purchase planning and internal parts production.
Use your orders and sales forecasts to analyze your needs in terms of parts purchased and manufactured.
Developer: ProExel Solutions
Simplifies business processes and minimizes the risk of errors when entering and managing employee expense information. ACOMBA and AVANTAGE compatible.
Manage the traceability of operations in production lines
Developer: Cyberlog
Manages and weighs the transit of materials.
Developer: Sigmasys
Exercise control over production and planning.
Developer: Micromédica
Create financial statements, budgets or reports from Excel, using data from your accounting software.
Developer: Solution Infomédia